Savannah Marie Scott
She was born on Tuesday, June 12th at 8:22 am weighing 8 lbs 5 oz and was 20.5 in.
I was admitted the night before after having what I thought was back labor. Long story short, we had just dropped off Sawyer with Keith's parents and were headed to a movie. All of a sudden my car starts doing crazy things. All of the gauges go off, the wipers quit working, and when we got to a stop light the car just shuts off!!! This kind family helped us wheel it into a church parking lot. The man asked if I could steer it while they pushed not knowing I was as big as a whale and giving birth the next day. So I did, then I panicked when we started heading down hill, no power steering mind you, and in to on coming traffic. Did I mention it looked like Armageddon outside?? We called the roadside assistance number and they sent a tow truck but it was going to be 45 minutes. About ten minutes into waiting, I started having some indescribable back pain and my stomach was hard as a rock. I tried not to worry but then I couldn't hold back the tears it hurt so bad. In a panic, we call Dick who came to wait on the tow truck so we could grab our bags at home and head to the hospital. Like the lightning that was coming down all around us, they grabbed both car seats and threw them in Dick's car. I felt terrible that he had to wait there in the pouring rain in a car that wouldn't start!
We made it to the hospital around 8 and by 9 I was being monitored. Turns out I was contracting but not enough to put me in active labor. The nurse thought the back pain was from her hitting a nerve and combined with the adrenaline it made sense. They ended up letting us stay the night since we had to be there at 5:15 for the scheduled c-section. They gave me an ambien to take so I could relax and get some rest. That was my first time taking it and it was awesome! I have such a difficult time falling asleep and I knew I wouldn't be able to with the anticipation of the birth the next day.
Keith and I both got some rest so we had our game faces on when it was time for our early wake up call to prep for the surgery. Our families got there around 6:30 to pray for us and see us off before we headed back to surgery. We were supposed to be #2 in line but they had an emergency so we were pushed back to be the #3 case that morning. All in all, everything went smooth during the csec. I got really nauseous there at the beginning but the CRNA gave me a quick dose of Zofran and it did wonders. It took them a little longer to get through the scar tissue from Sawyer's csec so that was uncomfortable. All I wanted to hear was a screaming baby and that is what happened at 8:22 when she was born. She had a head full of dark hair and had the biggest cheeks I had ever seen!! Her apgar scores were 8 & 9 and after she passed her other tests, they handed her to Keith. It was love at first sight. I got to hold her after they were done putting Humpty Dumpty together again :). We were greeted by family when we got back to our room who couldn't believe her dark hair. After they left, my good friend, Lindsey Culver, who happens to be a very talented photographer captured some intimate pictures of the three of us as we bonded and I nursed her for the first time. Words can't describe these moments so I'm glad she got them in pictures to have forever. I wasn't "out of it" from all the drugs since I was just on Tordol and still very numb from the waist down from the spinal block.
I hope to update more soon of our hospital stay and first two weeks at home.
Radnor is 4 Months Old!
8 years ago