Friday, June 8, 2012

Almost time!

This week's 38 week check up had no new news. Still measuring ahead,my cervix is closed, not thinned out, and her head is floating. All of these indicate that she is not showing signs of coming on her own and my Dr. won't let me to go past 39 weeks if I was going to have a vbac. I'm really ok with our decision to go ahead with the csec because it seems to be the safest way for both of us and I really didn't want to labor and push and then wind up having a csec. We also discussed trying a different approach to pain management. I had a good experience with my csec with Sawyer but the one downfall was the way I felt on morphine right after surgery. I really was so out of it and don't remember a lot. We are going to try tordol which is a strong enough pain killer without the grogginess of morphine. The morphine will be on hand if I need it but hopefully I won't. My cousin who had a csec last month went this route and had a good experience. I'm not looking forward to the hormone roller coaster ride those first few weeks..Thankfully we have a great support system. Sawyer will be in good hands with his grandparents but I know I will miss him terribly. We can't wait to meet our baby girl on Tuesday, June 12!!

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