Weight: 14.6 (75%)
Height: 25 1/2 (95%)
Now that Miss Savannah is 4 months, she has acquired a lot of nicknames. Just to name a few: Sis, Sister, Savannah Banana, Fanina, Sabana, High Maintenance, and Daddy calls her Petunia Jane or PJ for short. Her personality is really coming through and we are getting on more of a predictable routine. We started out the month on the same flow as 3 months, then last week she hit the 4 month sleep regression or as I like to call it, a growth spurt! She had been sleeping through the night to waking up again. Just when I was beginning to get more sleep! This lasted a few days and now she has pushed her bed time back to 7 and is sleeping until around 6:30. Amazing! She is taking her morning nap around 8-8:15 so this one is not in her car seat believe it or not! We are in day 3 of this new schedule so I hope it keeps up.
She is still eating and growing really well! She loves to nurse and it is still going good. At her 4 month check up we discussed holding off on starting solids until closer to 6 months because she is satisfied with milk. Her feeding times are becoming shorter so it's easy to feed her. She is not a fan of the nursing cover but this is a must since we are on the go a lot and I hardly ever have a bottle. She also got her shots and some prescription cream for her eczema.
She is staying awake longer so she is starting to play with her baby toys and we even brought out the excersaucer. I can't believe she is old enough for it already! Her favorite activity is still her piano mat. She loves putting her fingers in her mouth so maybe we are entering the teething stage, yikes!
Savannah had her first trip to Auburn this month. We had some friends from Arkansas down for the AU vs. Ark game. The Friday before the game, the girls met up with Keith and Rader at AU club after they played golf. They had baby tiger cubs and the AU cheerleaders there. It was such a fun day! Too bad Auburn played awful but we had a great time nonetheless.
Radnor is 4 Months Old!
8 years ago