Weight: 13.11 lbs
Diaper: Size 2
Clothes: 3-6 month
My baby is no longer a newborn and is now an infant. Time needs to slow down! She is awake more now and exploring the world around her which a lot of the time is big bro in her face! She loves being outside and I'm so looking forward to fall so we can be outside more. Her favorite activity during her wake time is her play mat that has a piano for her feet to play and toys that hang down. She will bat the toys and even grip them sometimes. She hates tummy time!! She lasts maybe 3 minutes at a time. I know it's important for her to do it so she can learn to roll over but I can't stand to hear her cry. She is holding her head up now and likes to stand up in our lap when we hold her. She is eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day and has her "witching hour" between 5-6. She will take a cat nap around 6 so this is when I try and get dinner started. It's hard for us to eat out at this age because of her fussy period. I think it's because her late afternoon isn't quite long enough so she is overly tired. She has made 8:00 her bedtime and will wake up around 4-5, eat, and wake up between 7:30-8. A few nights she has made it to 6-7 but nothing consistent yet. She is breaking out of her swaddle at night so this is a big reason for her waking up. I'm not sure how much longer we are going to swaddle because of this but I was hoping to hold out until she can sleep on her tummy. Poor thing is having skin issues so I'm hoping that by cutting out dairy in my diet, we will see some changes. Her belly laughs will just melt your heart! We are so in love with our baby girl!!
Radnor is 4 Months Old!
8 years ago